Yeah! Sorry I didn't get back to you the other day. My team's league games are on Sundays and I'm usually a little wiped out afterward. Though the final league match is next Sunday and the championship game (that we'll be in thankyouverymuch) is the week after that so comin' up pretty quickly I'll be looking for a new Sunday soccer thing.
EA, I've been playing pick-up soccer every Sunday for the last few months and it's been awesome! I can't believe how much fun I'm having reliving the nostalgia of play for the boys and girls club when I was seven. You should totally come out and kick the ball around with us every Sunday at Alberta Park, 3:00PM, rain or shine. Nice looking threads.
Been playing on a soccer team this year. It's been fun. I've got 2 goals & a rolled ankle that kept me out for about 6 weeks. We're almost halfway through the fall season right now, I scored on my birthday 2 Sundays ago & we finally got honest-to-goodness kits that aren't cotton Beefy-Ts.
God that sounds like fun. Hopefully you get on a fun team and not a bunch of whiteys. Is there a home run rule in your league? A rover position? Will you have games when I am there? That would be awesome.