I laughed pretty hard at the karate kicks. I agree with Wock that it looks okay but I love the writers that are attached. I am thinking that there should be some great stuff in the actual flick. Is it rated R? If so there is no way that R-rated Robert Smigel couldn't be funny. It's nice to see Adam Sandler doing something that I actually might want to see. Lord knows its been a while.
So long as it isn't Al-Qaeda or Osama bin Laden that they're trying to make jokes about, I don't think anyone is going to mind. Though there may be some Palestinians that get all in a huff about tne Hezbollah jokes.
The movie looks kind of 'meh' to me. I thought the joke right at the end where the rich white guy says, " You know, my aunt goes there. She says besides the sex, the guy gives a pretty good haricut." was pretty funny. Not sure about much of the rest of it.
so we saw this today before the matinee of I Am Legend. i'd heard nothing about it prior to seeing the trailer.
apparently 7 years is enough time since 9/11 to do terrorist humor, but i'm sure somebody is going to get apesh1t angry about it. me thinks it looks really funny. what do you think?