Tangentially, do you think the director had to remind Mario Lopez to sit backwards in the chair all the time because that's what the character would do? Or do you think the backwards chair sitting was a touch applied through the genius acting abilities of Senior Lopez?
you could always go with the "brotissere" As seen in many porno films when a woman is taking two coks simoltaniously in each end. "dude last night me and c dog got dunk and proceeded to "broticarize this woman untill she was well moist and crispy."
Stunna, who do you think you're dealing with here?
you could always go with the "brotissere" As seen in many porno films when a woman is taking two coks simoltaniously in each end. "dude last night me and c dog got dunk and proceeded to "broticarize this woman untill she was well moist and crispy."
That Doors video down below just made me so angry. I want to punch that kid that face for being an idiot.
As for slang, have we used "Count it!" or "Wock for two!" or "He's heating up!" or any other sort of basketball phrase that you yell after a sweet burn. I know that we say these all the time but I don't know if we have used these as slang of the week. Lately I have been really getting deep with them, like "Biff pulls up into the lane, he fights through heavy traffic, fakes the shot, turn around jumper, it's good!"
My wife loves it.
Also, have we used saying your own name, as a signature of sorts, after a sweet burn? That is also one of my specialties. As you can see, I spend a lot of time attempting to "burn" people.
Also, if you ever need a gome of the week, which I know is really your specialty, but if you ever need one, how about people that post videos of themselves on Youtube playing a song. Because you know what? I don't care. When I search for a band or song on Youtube I am not looking for your terrible, lonely, pathetic, acoustic, usually not complete, version of it. I am looking for the band or song I am looking for. I don't know why but this always makes me angry. You know, if your band covered live, maybe that is one thing. But some teabag playing 30 seconds of Europe's "The Final Countdown" on his sensitive acoustic is completely and utterly useless. And will actually get you less laid then you were before.
Will do. Sorry, I had a crazy work week and there were three Nuck games. I avoided the computer.
I had a kid throw a chair and then huck a pencil box at a table of kids. This was after he took a swing at a girl and screamed "you're not the boss of me." He was 7. Apparently he got suspended after I kicked him out of class. What set him off? I asked everyone to put away their stuff becuase math was over. Long story. I am working on a top ten for you for crap that happened to me this week. That was obviously tops.
I love Bill Walton. He is a great commentator and had a great fro back in the day. I was never a big Isiah fan. I don't even think Piston fans were Isiah fans.
And Ice Pirates is one of the greatest films of all time. I own it in its original, porn sized box VHS. Holla!
wow the isiah thomas. I`m a huge fan of nba and. wow. Other than walton there is not a man I despise more. Any blazer fan cannot disagree. **** that muther****in fagggot ass bitch. I should hope that he chokes on his vomit someday.
Bartli: "Yeah, I rolled in their the other night with J-Dog as my Bartli Gianetti." Or something like that. Unless you can think of a better way to use it.
I like the band usage for Ricky Morton. Very creative. I'm such a nerd that I can't find a funnier usage than the real one. It is such an inside wrestling joke that it cracks me up. The idea of two tag wrestlers arguing over who will play Ricky Morton makes me smile.
A crappy slang word could be Bartli Gianetti. It could mean your kind of douchey sidekick. Or just your sidekick. Or something else.
What about the idea of "playing Ricky Morton" being a burn on a ****ty band who opens up for the band that everyone came to see, and they take some serious abuse from the crowd until they leave the stage and the headliner comes out to sort of save the day, "hot tag" style?
This can be expanded upon. Let me know what you guys think.
I still havnt been able to get that video for the 8 diagrams. I was just on wu corp and cant believe that the rock the bells tour would go to salt lake and not portland. There is a int with rza and once again he`s talking that raes new album has had to age in a barrel I wanted to puke. Should we just give up? I`m almost at the point but I cant. Even though rza also said that ghostface hasnt done any vocals for 8 diagrams yet wtf? Lets all pitch together and get all of them some blackberries so they can complete something.
"Slippin' One Through The Five Hole"- Getting a girl pregnant, unexpectedly of course
As in, "I heard Tonya is pregnant." "Yeah, Greg managed to slip one through the five hole."
(The Five Hole is hockey slang for the area between the goalie's legs. The commentators say this phrase all the time when goals are scored through the legs. It is pretty hilarious.)
That is all I could think of in 2 minutes. Good night.
And have we used Right Arm as slang for Right On? Wock used to say this non-stop, still does I think. Always an annoying phrase. Holla!
Steaz - Apparenty a brand of all natural hippie tea, originally (to me) meant stuff/mojo/items. Kinda like "Don't weaze my steaz, that's all I've got left."