You are a dirty bastard. Can I say bastard on here? Guess I'll find out. As for scrolling, I don't mind the ol' index finger on the Mac mouse. Although a two-finger scroll sounds much more impressive. It reminds me of punk bass players that don't use a pick, they just rock those two fingers. EA: punk rock internet user.
Don't know. I'm used to how it is now. Is it something we could easily switch back and forth to test it out?
As I'm using the board and reading other forums that have more posts in them, I'm thinking it'd be a pretty good idea to give the top-down method a test run.
Here's a question: Would you guys like it better if the newest comments were at the top? Pretty much reverse of how it is now? Seems like that may be more convenient, but I guess it works either way.
Why can't I post replies in quick succession? I try to do it too fast (apparently) and it tells me I've recently posted and should wait before trying again. It's not like my superior intellect needs that much time to recharge before dissing your sorry asses.