I was single when I was really into my "I'm a Miranda" phase. So I'm sure that had something to do with it. Relate that to your menage a moi comment as you see fit.
I hope to one day own all 7 seasons of the Golden Girls on DVD.
I have no idea what "Poosy Walk With Me" is in reference to.
i think one of the only reasons that i got into it was for the one-way factor... i found it very easy to work up a menage a moi after watching...
i too love a good golden girls episode. i used to watch it with my grandma but eventually, like Murder, She Wrote, she had seen them all too many times and we had to move on to something new.
** i just realized that i talked about masterbation and my grandma in the same post. i need help.
As for the other CAC: I had seen that CD before. I remember that it was a concern of the label that was trying to put our CAC's new album out. What is eerie is that their logo uses the exact same font as ours. The first song that you can listen to on that CDBaby sight kicks a s s but the rest is kind of boring. Yeah, we made a bad call in naming the group. We never even thought of changing the name because it was this long inside joke. Seriously though, why do people let me name bands? I am so bad at it. Half the time I come up with acronym names that I always hate and yet I always do it. My band naming track record is spotty at best. For every Pretty To Look At there is a CIA.
As for the Rocky figures: Thank god I don't have that much expendable income. If I did I might spend it very unwisely. Those Rocky figure are a gigantic tease. I mean, they have one with Stallone in the beard and leather jacket from Rocky IV and my personal favorite, the one with him in the wheelchair from Rocky II. If I was a wealthy man I would have an unhappy wife with a house littered with Rocky, Wrestling Classic and Todd McFarlane hockey figures. The world has way too much cool stuff for Biff right now. It is cruel.
As for Sex And The City: I was never crazy for the show but I think that doing a movie at this point kind of seems a little day late, dollar short. Of course, the ending was crappy so you never know. They should do a prequel and call it Sex And The City: Poosy Walk With Me.
You know, I went so far as to buy a couple of season of Sex and The City on DVD a couple of years back. Watching them again though, I've kinda been like, "hmmm, not quite sure why I got so into this show."
I have recently become re-obsessed with the Golden Girls. When I was a rebellious teenager I would power walk straight home after school to watch it. Now, through the magic of DVR, I come home from work and there are at least 4 episodes of The Golden Girls waiting for me. AAAAHHHH...Sophia's quick witted jabs are the highlight of my day.
I really liked Sex and the City when it was on. But now that I haven't seen it for a while I'm kind of over it. I watched some episodes of it a couple months ago and wondered why I ever thought it was so great.
Maybe I just hang out with Brad too much and he's turned me into a curmudgeon.
Yeah, there's a few other groups running around called CAC or some variation of that too. In retrospect, not a great choice for a name. I didn't realize we had one at CD Baby though. I'll have to take a look at that...
i am also interested in discussing the fact that you have a golden girls (thingy... i don't know what it's called). i'm so jealous i can barely stand it.
i did see in EW that they are finally making the sex in the city movie... i can't decide how i feel about it. on the one hand, i thought the last episode 2 parter was total crap and i hated barishnakov's character. but, i also think maybe its best to leave well enough alone...
I found this business card in Minnesota (I believe it was) while on tour a couple of years ago and have been meaning to give it to one of you boys ever since. I guess this'll have to do.