Once the Crazy Town guy sobered up, he's actually been pretty quiet. Don't get me wrong, he's an idiot, but not as bad as I thought he would be. And in the first episode, they showed him trying to bum money from people for crack.
The girl who was on American Idol like 5 years ago is not a celebrity.
I wonder if the Crazy Town guy is still counting checks from that one awful song they had. And bro, you are too old for a mohawk. I hope Conaway still gets Grease money. He is the only guy out of that whole lot that I feel legitimately bad for. He can trace his entire career downfall to quitting "Taxi." At least he worked consistently in the entertainment field for a few years. I hate how they mix reality celebs with other celebs. For some reason it really bugs me. He and Caruso should talk sometime.
All Baldwins are unintentionally hilarious. Apparently Stephen is doing Jesus movies now. What a loon.
Residual checks must pay some of these people pretty well. Jeff Conaway probably still gets paid every time they show Grease or Taxi on TV, and maybe he gets some of the DVD sales, too. I have no idea, though. And they probably do sad "appearances" for fees and stuff.
Anyway, the show is really good. Daniel Baldwin is so unintentionally hilarious.
They just brought in some ultimate fighter who is the epitome of all things I hate about humans. It's good times.
I watched it a couple of times, and still cant figure out where the guy who sounds like a chud babies last stand is? Was he on t. v. I have done drugs before and let me tell you they arer not cheap. So where do all these people who don`t seem to be that famous get thier money?
I wish I was. I am hoping they release it on DVD, but I don't think they will. I also missed the Sizemore show. Between hockey and movies, I find my TV time really loses. Plus these are usually on after my bedtime. It looks like the greatest show ever. This is one of those shows where they are using the term "Celebrity" quote loosely. Poor Kenicke and Baldwin have to hang out with some real F-level celebs on that thing. And what's up with the girl from Family Matters? Porn for pot money? Is that a first?