Anyhoo, so the wife and I spent the weekend playing more Gauntlet. We totally nerded out and defeated the same villain all night just so we could gain experience levels. I am now like a Level 35 Gaurdian or something of that nature. Which means I am awesome. Runestones beware! We are coming for you!
? As the admin of this board, coulnd't there be some way for you to set up a button and a running tally for that sort of thing? Like I said, my grasp of what makes the internet function is weak.
Hey my web skills are even less than yours. I wouldn't know how to do even the stuff you do on slyrecords. I'm not the man for that job. I'm the ideas man. :)
Which leads me to wondering aloud if we couldn't set up some sort of system by which we could keep track of our various and multitudinous snaps. Like that lame ass system of kudos on MySpace.
I know right? I also recently purchased not one but two Star Wars graphic novels. And love them. Now I seem to shout "Excelsior!" at the most awkward times. Is that weird?
The wife and I played this all weekend like a couple of losers...I mean really cool winners. Really cool winners. Currently I am a level 23 Protector and we have located 4 runestones. **** is out of control.