Possibly the only person in America with Brigitte Nielsen on your iPod. Well, probably not. But definitely the only person with Brigitte and Spazz in the same iPod.
Brigitte Nielsen's "I've Got The Best Man" flowing into Spazz's "Skatin' And Satan Go Hand In Hoof" is the definition of bliss. Oh shuffle, how I love thee...
Ahh, I too am very fond of the shuffle. Just today The Circle Jerks blended perfectly with The Fila Fresh Crew and I realized just truly how awesome I am. I am also in love with the album art function and can't help but stare at my scanned 45 covers. I am officially rad.
I have an older iPod that doesn't display the album art. :( One of my favorite things about the iPod though - the Music Quiz game! It "randomly" plays songs from what you have on your iPod and displays 5 different song titles and you have to guess the right song title. I have so much fun playing that.
I'm sure there's no way it can be completely random, and it does tend to play certain artists more than others. So yes, maybe your revision of my statement is more accurate.
One of my other favorite things about my iPod: Displaying of the album art. I have way too much fun being incredibly meticulous about this.