That's not the only thing she likes long as opposed to short. Zing! For the record, I know of McSweeny's and the aforementioned Dave Eggars, mainly through my wife and brother but nonetheless I do know of them. Also, the co-owner of Almighty Records, CAC's semi-current label, won a McSweeny's short story contest if I remember correctly. What a stallion. It is true, math is for sissies.
i heard dave eggers is kind of an ass. i did love "heartbreaking.." though. however, i got a free copy of one of the short story comps and wasn't that jazzed about it... i like my stories long as opposed to short.
I did make some nice scratch from them, and I'm not a collector, so whatever. I read them and they were just sitting on my shelf.
My real regret was not waiting in the huge line to get Eggers to sign my copy of Heartbreaking...
I started to, but he was getting real creative and drawing pictures in each one and it was going to take hours. Still, I should have stuck it out. Ah, regrets.
Nice. I enjoyed his reading of an excerpt from "What Is The What" at Wordstock last year. I've got the book if you'd like to borrow it sometime. Or you could just buy it half price. :)
I'm sure you got a fairly pretty penny for those old McS's. Though I don't imagine that in any way alleviates the regret. My Dad got me a signed copy of McS 5. The coincidental part? It was signed on my birthday.
**** bitch, I saw Dave Eggers read at Powell's when he came through town promoting A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. Who do you think you're dealing with here? And actually, I've been meaning to purchase You Will Know Our Velocity for a long time. Maybe I'll do that now.
I used to have a couple of the really old McSweeney's (The one in the box with the bird on the front and the one with the They Might Be Giants disc) but I sold them in a period of financial and personal weakness. Now, of course I regret it.
So, I read about this a while back but apparently it's reached a somewhat urgent state. My favorite small press, hell, the only small press I buy literature from (I'm not that big of a nerd), McSweeney's, has been screwed out of 130,000 dollars by their shady, former distribution company that recently declared bankruptcy.
All of their stuff is on sale at half price (in addition to some auctions up on eBay) so if you were ever inclined to step out onto a limb and purchase something recommended by me, this would be it. In addition to having a lot of unknown writers in their quarterlies they do some amazing things with the actual books themselves. This most recent issue (23) has a large poster as the dust jacket, and the issue before that (22, I know you history people aren't good at math, biff) was basically three separate soft covers bound via magnets into a hardcover. Really fun stuff. And the writing is good, too. The editor is Dave Eggers. I toss that name out only on the off chance that you've heard of him and may be able to draw some conclusions about the genre/style of the quarterly. It's lit (I'm looking your way Wock), and not history (sorry Biff).
McSweeney's This is their website which they update very regularly with various bits of literature, journalism, and humor.
McSweeney's Store This being the link to their online store. I bought a couple of the back issues of McSweeney's Quarterly Concern earlier today that I had missed when they originally came out.