Wow. Rich Reece used to have a God Fodder shirt that he wore all the time in high school and I think he may still have it. I had the cassette. Dude, two bassists. And they use quarters for picks. In '91, I was all over it.
And don't think I don't have The Charlatans UK album Some Friendly on vinyl.
oh you had to bring Ned's into this ...(but sadly you're right i do own their entire discography sans singles/compilations that contained b-sides i already owned)
you will be happy to know they reformed in recent years down one original bassist and guitarist, and in 2006 released their first single in eleven years. they just played the glastonbury festival in june, and released a new dvd.
and while i've skipped the charlatans uk the last couple of times they've come thru portland i would pay for a live ned's show in the states. i'm hoping for some dates in '08. that'd be sweet.
way more info than you or anyone on the list cares about, but i'm still a fan. and not afraid to say it out loud in a room full of hipster music nerds.
It says that you are a man who owns Ned's Atomic Dustbin CD singles with bonus tracks and would pay out the wazoo to see a Charlatans UK reunion.
And I agree with your Jimmy Chamberlain point. That always baffled me. It also baffles me that such a badass drummer would even hang out with Billy Corgan. And yeah, Corgan is clawing at the edge of the cliff to stay relevant.
bloc party did the same thing with their last album. one exclusive bonus track at best buy. a different exclusive bonus track at target, and yet another for itunes. and the independent stores get squat.
i'm sure a lot of this is presure from the labels & their marketing departments to try to recoup lost sales from downloading, but screwing the completist super fans who just have to buy everything is not the way to create loyal customers. and while they're at it they turn the dagger a little deeper by omitting the indie stores from the promotion.
i was the biggest pumpkins fan going in the early to mid 90's, and i tried to justify alot of the schlock there at the end, but eventually got tired of that unwinable battle. my expectations are pretty low for this new album. i've heard a few tracks, and they've been alright. they can't be any worse than 3/4ths of the last proper album "machina"
i could never figure out why, when you have an amazing drummer like jimmy chamberlin, you record your last two albums using primarily drum machines & synths. good job destroying a great band corgan, and now dragging it's lifeless corpse out seven short years later to beat it again.
i'm more looking forward to the new Buffalo Tom record (it's been eight years) that comes out tomorrow i'm not sure what that says about me.
The above is maybe the best message board post I have ever read. I read it like 5 times. EA, you my friend, are what we call "awesome." My favorite point was point C.
A: I completely agree with pitchfork that having to buy multiple versions of an album to get all the songs is bullsh*t. That **** used to be reserved for japanese releases for crying out loud.
B: That's such bullsh*t.
C: Where does a dude as old as Billy Corgan get off calling his album Zeitgeist??? What a tool. I will never-ending-ly mock my bandmates that like SP for the two reasons listed above.
D: That's such bullsh*t.
E: Anyone who's smart enough will *maybe* buy one version of the album and then pirate the other songs they didn't get.
F: Anyone who isn't a dumbsh*t will pirate every song from any release related to this as a way to dick over BC.
G: That's such bullsh*t.
H: This is the second time ever that I have visited pitchfork. They are bullsh*t and I don't particularly care to think about them or waste my time on them.
What's sad is he was probably dreaming about naming a band Zwan since like '92. What a goob. "1979" is still a sweet song though. Even though Billy Corgan loves dong.
Smashing Pumpkins. Didn't Corgan even say that it was a joke name that none of them really liked or something. Maybe I'm just getting everything confused....
What's the dumbest name? Smashing Pumpkins? Siamese Dream? Iha?
Siamese Dream does still kind of kick ass, which is maybe why I am mildly interested in this. But it's on the low end of mildly. This is like when Kiss played without Ace Frehley and Peter Criss and still called themselves Kiss. Actually it's not really anything like that, but for some reason that popped into my noggin.
Is it Corgan and Chamberlin? Because you can't spell Smashing Pumpkins without "Iha." Seriously you can't. Billy Corgan is an idiot. Although Siamese Dream still kind of kicks ass.